Would you like to add a udev entry to allow access to IEEE-1394 and USB hardware? If this is not ran then your cameras may be only accessible by running flycap as sudo. (y/n)$ y Launching conf script
This script will assist users in configuring their udev rules to allow access to 1394 and USB devices. The script will create a udev rule which will add the 1394 cards and USB devices to a group called pgrimaging. The user may also choose to restart the udev daemon. All of this can be done manually as well. Please note that this script will change the permissions for all IEEE1394 devices including hard drives and web cams. It will allow the user to read and modify data on any IEEE1394 device.
Enter the name of the user to add to this user group. $ yourusername Is this user name ok?: yourusername (y/n)$ y
Add user yourusername to group pgrimaging. Is this ok?: (y/n)$ y
Writing the udev rules file.
Do you want to restart the udev daemon? (y/n)$ y udev stop/waiting udev start/running, process 5764
Configuration complete. A reboot may be required on some systems for changes to take effect
You can download from the website or
created by yourself followed the instructions5
Get dataset of stereo camera and IMU.
1 2
cd mynt-eye-okvis-sample/build ./okvis_app_getcameraimucalibdataset 0 ./cameraimu/cam0/ ./cameraimu/cam1/ ./cameraimu/imu0.csv
0 means that it use video1,
./cameraimu/cam0 is the folder to store left images,
./camera/cam0 is the folder to store right images,
./cameraimu/imu0.csv is the file to store the data of
Use kalibrbagcreate creat calibration bag of stereo camera and imu.
First move the folder of camera to kalibr's workspace, then creat
calibration bag.
1 2 3
cd ~/catkin_ws/ source ./devel/setup.sh kalibr_bagcreater --folder cameraimu/. --output-bag cameraimucalib.bag
april_5x8.yaml is the config file of calibration target
which looks like:
1 2 3 4 5
target_type: 'aprilgrid' #gridtype tagCols: 5 #number of apriltags tagRows: 8 #number of apriltags tagSize: 0.025 #size of apriltag, edge to edge [m] tagSpacing: 0.3 #ratio of space between tags to tagSize
The file will looks like if using checkerboard:
1 2 3 4 5
targetType: 'checkerboard' #gridtype targetCols: 6 #number of internal chessboard corners targetRows: 7 #number of internal chessboard corners rowsMetricSize: 0.06 #size of one chessboard square [m] colsMetricSize: 0.06 #size of one chessboard square [m]
cameracalib.yaml is the config file of stereo camera
generated by step 4, imu.yaml is config file of imu in
mynt-eye-okvis-sample/config, from-to 0 72
means that it use bag from 0s to 72s to calibration.
The Yaml formats of the calibration file can been seen from here.