Jetson Nano PWM Support

Pinmux Configuration

Download the Jetson_Nano_DeveloperKit_Users_Pinmux_Configuration.

Open the file in Microsoft Excel and ensure that the spreadsheet file is writable and macros are enabled[1].

Change the Customer Usage of pin GPIO13(33, GPIO_PE6) to PM3_PWM2 and the pin direction to Output.

Jetson nano 40pin

Click the Generate DT file button to export your pinmux configuration. When prompted, enter the board name jetson-nano-sd. The spreadsheet creates two device tree source files tegra210-jetson_nano-sd-gpio-default.dtsi and tegra210-jetson_nano-sd-pinmux.dtsi.

Under the File menu in Excel, select Save As, enter the filename jetson-nano-sd.csv, select CSV UTF-8 (comma-delimited) (*.csv) from the menu of filetypes, click Save

L4T Driver Package

On your Linux host, download and extract the L4T Jetson Nano R32.1 Jetson Driver Package.

Go to the directory Linux_for_Tegra and run the script to download the various source trees. When prompted, enter the correct tag for the L4T version you are using. The release tag name can be found in the L4T Release Notes. For example, for L4T release 32.1, enter the tag tegra-l4t-r32.1.

You can use Jetson stats to find the L4T Release Notes.

cd Linux_for_Tegra/

export CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-

  1. Jetson_nano_40-pin_expansion_header.pdf ↩︎