Hanjie's Blog




Adept Lynx2

The Adept Lynx is self navigating Autonomous Indoor Vehicle (AIV) designed for dynamically moving material in challenging environments that may include confined passageways as well as dynamic and peopled locations. Unlike traditional autonomously guided vehicles (AGVs), Lynx requires no facility modifications, such as floor magnets or navigational beacons, saving users up to 15% in deployment costs. Lynx includes Adept's proprietary software and controls allowing it to intelligently navigate around people and unplanned obstacles, that render traditional AGVs incapacitated and it can be programmed and functional within a day. Designed for developers, integrators, and end-users the system can be customized for a variety applications and payloads. Manufacturing, warehousing, clean tech, and laboratories are just a few environments ideal for Lynx.

Product Features

  • Simplifies payload integration with a small mobile platform
  • Self-navigation software safely avoids people and obstacles
  • Reliable drive system optimized for self-navigation
  • Structural support of payloads up to 60kg on level surfaces
  • Navigates through the use of a digital map
  • Easy to deploy, no facilities modifications required
  • Manages power and self charging operations


  • User-Friendly Software
  • Runtime of up to 19 hours a day
  • On-board power supply

Pioneer P3-DX3

Pioneer 3 DX is a compact differential-drive mobile robot. It arrives fully assembled with embedded controller, motors with 500-tick encoders, 19cm wheels, tough aluminum body, 8 forward-facing ultrasonic (sonar) sensors, 8 optional rear-facing sonar, 1, 2 or 3 hot-swappable batteries, and our complete software development kit. Add an optional internal computer or your own laptop and the robot is ready to go.

Additional sensors, manipulators and other accessories are available to customize your Pioneer for your specific tasks. We offer a wide variety of proprietary as well as 3rd party accessories fully integrated with your mobile base. Stereo and PTZ cameras for your vision robot applications and manipulators for your mobile manipulation needs are amongst our most popular options.

The base Pioneer 3 DX platform can reach speeds of 1.6 meters per second and carry a payload of up to 17 kg. The robot is powered by three hot-swappable 9Ah sealed batteries.

The robot's embedded motion controller automatically performs velocity control of the robot and provides robot state & control information including a position estimate of the robot in space (x, y, theta), battery charge data, and sonar range sensing data. Your higher level control programs created with the Pioneer SDK can run on an onboard computer, or offline with the free simulator.

With the Laser Mapping and Navigation package, the robot can map warehouses, hangars, lab spaces, and any other indoor space in minutes; Accurately localize within the mapped indoor known space; autonomously navigate by planning and following dynamic paths to goals; and avoid obstacles along the way. The mobile platform is both your mapping robot as well as what you will use for autonomous indoor robot navigation.

Pioneer LX Research Platform4

The Pioneer LX is an advanced mobile robotics research platform based on the Adept Lynx industrial AIV (Autonomous Intelligent Vehicle). This ground robot is programmable, and easy to add, switch and customize different sensors, effectors and other equipment for new projects.

The Pioneer LX has been designed for continuous non-stop industrial service and can operate up to 13 hours before recharging. This autonomous mobile robot can carry payloads of up to 60 kg over indoor surfaces in wheelchair-accessible facilities.

A docking station for autonomous self-charging is provided with the robot. The Pioneer LX can travel at speeds up to 2 m/s with full payload. As with other MobileRobot platforms, the Pioneer LX includes our extensive Pioneer SDK, a set of software applications and libraries to accelerate the pace of development. All of our robotics platforms can also be used in a “semi-autonomous” fashion in which the robots will navigate autonomously but respond to commands from your remote control computer.

Front and rear facing ultrasonic sonar sensors, front bumper switches, and a high quality 270° FOV laser rangefinder are included.

Pioneer LX features a dedicated high performance robot controller with automatic encoder integration and gyroscopic correction for position estimation and velocity control of the robot with configurable acceleration parameters, and more. An efficient embedded PC running Ubuntu Linux or Windows 7 is integrated for software applications. Cross-platform software SDK support is available for C++, Python, Java. ROS and Matlab interfaces are available.

With the included Laser Mapping & Navigation System and MobileEyes, you can map buildings, travel autonomously to goal points, and constantly update robot position within a few cm while traveling within mapped areas.

The Pioneer LX is an all-purpose mobile robot development system, ideal for research and applications including:

  • mapping and localization
  • mobile robot autonomous navigation and positioning
  • sensor testing
  • vision research
  • mobile manipulation

The rugged chassis and suspension of the robot allow it to easily traverse sills, gaps and power cords and climb wheelchair ramps. The removable aluminum equipment deck, top cover and body panels make it easy to add and modify sensors and other application-specific structure and equipment.

Willow Garage

Willow Garage是起源斯坦福大学的一个公司,主要产品就是PR2(Personal Robot 2)。为了开发PR2的软件系统,于是有了ROS(Robotics Operating System)。ROS中的模拟库Gazebo,点云库PCL(Point Cloud Library)后来都独立出来5




TurtleBot 2是Willow Garage设计的 一款性能优良、价格低廉的机器人开发平台。其操作简单、可扩展性强,既能满足科研机构的研发需要,亦为机器人技术爱好者提供了一个强大的机器人应用开发平台7

TurtleBot 2的硬件主要有Yujin Kobuki移动底座、Kinect视觉传感器、双核笔记本、2200mAh(或4400mAh)电池和可装卸的结构模块。TurtleBot 2使用目前最流行的ROS(Robot Operating System )作为操作系统,能实现3D地图导航、跟随等功能。

TurtleBot 2配备有ROS开放源码的SDK,及相关的示例源代码,以帮助使用者开发及测试自己开发机器人算法程序。亦可下载及运行http://www.ros.org/wiki/Robots/TurtleBot社区中各种开源的机器人程序软件包(包括计算机视觉库OpenCV和PC驱动程序等)。



  • 2200mAh(4400mAh)镍氢电池
  • 110°/s的单轴陀螺
  • 12V 1.5A软件启用电源


  • 双目视觉系统
  • 距离传感器


  • 机器人研究
  • 机器人技术学习平台
  • 家庭,个人机器人开发平台




iRobot Ava

  1. https://www.zhihu.com/question/28634192↩︎

  2. http://www.adept.com/products/mobile-robots/mobile-platforms/lynx/general↩︎

  3. http://www.mobilerobots.com/ResearchRobots/PioneerP3DX.aspx↩︎

  4. http://www.robotos.net/thread-41-1-1.html↩︎

  5. https://www.zhihu.com/question/28634192↩︎

  6. http://www.robotos.net/thread-41-1-1.html↩︎

  7. https://www.willowgarage.com/turtlebot↩︎



wget --no-check-certificate -O shadowsocks-libev-debian.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teddysun/shadowsocks_install/master/shadowsocks-libev-debian.sh
chmod +x shadowsocks-libev-debian.sh
./shadowsocks-libev-debian.sh 2>&1 | tee shadowsocks-libev-debian.log




./shadowsocks-libev-debian.sh uninstall


vim /etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json


/etc/init.d/shadowsocks start


/etc/init.d/shadowsocks stop


/etc/init.d/shadowsocks restart


/etc/init.d/shadowsocks status

  1. https://teddysun.com/358.html/comment-page-15↩︎

sudo apt-get install language-pack-zh-hant language-pack-zh-hans
sudo vim /etc/environment


sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales